

At last! The last stitch has been stitched and the blood and gore has been splattered! Here is Zombie Panda, awesome!! He truly is the life of the party.

Panda be in your head, eatin your brains.

The creation and the creator!

The recipient!

He's a creeper.

Zombie Panda! Again!

I have finished the Zombie Panda and it has been delivered to Amanda!
Here's some step by step photos.

His body slooowly starts to come together!

Wee Zombie Feet!!


The top half continues to develop!

Look at that face!!



Hi all, a quick introduction is in order. I make felties. All the time. I started December 2008 and have not been able to stop. I'm always looking for inspirations for my felties!

My Etsy Site


I have a friend whos two favorite things are zombies and pandas. It's only natural to combine them in plushie form.

The blueprints!

The dead zombie eyes! I really liked how these turned out!

The belly!

The pieces of the head!