

Well, here is a milestone of my sketchbook. I began drawing this in the fall of 2008 ( I think? I'm beginning to think it was 2007 ). I just realized I spelled 'delectable' wrong. Shame on me. I was young and reckless! A curious blue toad about to indulge in a fat grub on a silver fork. Unfortunately my scanner is far too small to accommodate sketch book paper, so photography it is! Here's the main photo and a bunch of details after the jump. See the DeviantArt deviation HERE!


Favorite thing(s) of today, WEDNESDAY!

Please check out the rest of The Star Thrower here, at Agent 44, an art blog by Jake Parker!

I'm currently listening to the soundtrack from Breaking and Entering. I really can't recall where I got this soundtrack from, as I haven't even seen the actual film; but it is a gorgeous, gorgeous soundtrack - I highly recommend it!

In other news, I am packing books into boxes, which is always depressing - but I know next week I will be taking them back out of said boxes and carefully arranging them in my new library in my new nest! I've got a new ceramic frog friend (pictures next post!), some new flowers on my patio (next post, again!) and I have yet to see Toy Story 3, shame on me! It seems summer might (?) be here? It was muggy and hot today, I still can't cool down. Ooee. Time to write a biology paper!


Favorite Thing of the Week!!

I just found this via StumbleUpon and needed to share it. I have never seen a giraffe autopsied before, and here Richard Dawkins is explaining how the laryngeal nerve is another fact that supports natural selection and evolution. I find these things absolutely fascinating! I love biology!

Note: this video is not for the feint of heart.

Via: Daily Motion



I was just sketching up some creatures when Little Buckaroo was born. After I made the small fella, I just felt compelled to make a larger Buckaroo, with an even larger mustache!


Favorite things of the week!!

Happy  happy June fellow Earthlings!

Here are some favorites I've been compiling for a while:

All I can wonder about while I look at this is: Why the hell didn't I have one of these as a child? Via io9.

Here's a brilliant piece of modern DIY gardening with succulents! I hope to devise some massively awesome succulent planter for my new place. They're a little pricey, but they are so excellent! From Apartment Therapy!


Birthday Coffee Sleeve #1!

A coffee sleeve for Julie's 20th! It ended up being a little smaller than I wanted it to be, diameter wise, but I think it'll still do the trick. Up next: my dad's combination birthday/father's day coffee sleeve.