
Rain rain go away.

It's been so rainy here in Vancouver! It's getting on my nerves. I just want to sit outside and read as the tomatoes in my garden flourish. I mean really now. Also, carrying your laundry to the laundromat in the rain isn't all that exciting. Neither is hanging laundry to dry. Because it never dries. Ever.

After a weird sort of job shuffle, I am unemployed for the entirety of June. This time without school or work, once a dream to my younger self, has become a penniless adventure in rainy town. Finding things to do has been interesting, making play-dates, going for walks, cleaning the house, vanquishing our jungle-lawn and watching like... three movies a day. Otherwise, for the month of June - I've got a film gig or two lined up, and I've been over to the island for a few days I think to visit my Gran. A myriad of things, I suppose, that I haven't been able to do due to school, work and grinding routine. July and August are going to be a lot of work, so my laziness will probably average to a 'sort of' looking back on the summer over-all.

For when the sun comes out, and stays out: http://www.vancouvertrails.com/trails/capilano-pacific-trail/

Writing exercises - trying to blog a little more (hah, that's going well), journal a little more and attempt to form some sort of a cohesive idea for a film idea or two. I took a screen writing class this past spring and found it quite difficult to form an entire story arc. I enjoy creating characters, environments and inciting incidents - but I can't seem to get the hang of writing conflict. That could be because I actively avoid conflict on a day-to-day basis.