Places to Go

Blogs about crafts, food, living and also wonderful things to buy:
Rock Cottage Year - Gardening, cooking, photography
A Beautiful Mess - Vintage style, crafts, occasional baking and lovely photographs
Feeling Stitchy - Sewing, embroidery and needlepoint
Honey and Jam - Lovely recipes, equally lovely photographs
Shawnimals - Plushies! Often in the shape of mustaches
Polka Dot Robot - Handmade delights that you can wear
Penguin & Fish - Design and crafts
Mr X Stitch - Saucy embroidery
I Heart Guts - Plushies in the shape of your insides
Naturally Chic - Wonderful Alberta wedding planning
Roost - Gorgeous food, gorgeous photographs
Not so Humble Pie - Wonderful recipes
They Draw and Cook - Unique and lovely recipe cards

Some webcomics and artists, since we all love them:
Madéleine Flores
Drunkards of the Cosmos
Manly Guys Doing Manly Things
What Things Do
Bird and Moon
Hark, a Vagrant
Hyperbole and a Half

Science and creatures!
Creaturecast - Brown University's Dunn Lab
The Featured Creature - unexpected, wonderful creatures introduced weekly - Insects! Basically.
Ugly Overload - The Featured Creature of the slightly less adorable species of the world