
Favorite thing of the week!

Hullo all! I've decided to do a 'Favorite thing of the Week' segment! Of course, I may have more than one favorite thing of the week, or numerous favorite things of the week, so basically this is a 'Favorite thing of whenever', but I figure 'of the week' is just a better title, haha. I got the idea from this amazing blog called A Beautiful Mess! Wonderful DIY, photography and awesomeness.


 What's this you ask? It's the Tufted Pixel Rug! See it on Design Milk! And it is my favorite thing of the week! Yay!

In other news, exams are fast approaching so I wont have much time to do much in the coming weeks, but my veggie garden is growing and my tallest tomato plants are 5" tall! I'm longing for summer, sandals and shorts, but the moody weather here just wont have any of that.

All of you have a magnificent rest of your week!


Radishes, greens, tomatoes and shrimp!

Shrimp you say? Oh yes. Meet Jacques. He is a Japonica Shrimp and his soul purpose in life is to pick things off aquarium glass and eat them. Perfecto! These are amazing little creatures to watch, and I was really happy when I found out freshwater cleaning shrimp existed. They have so many tiny legs! With two tiny arms, with two wee claws, he picks things daintily off the glass and stuffs them into his mouth. I would have liked to get another, but it was recommended at one per ten gallons, so that's what I've got! It's really hard to find him when he doesn't want to be found. I've been terrified of the other fish trying to eat him. But it  hasn't happened yet, so here's hoping!!

On the 21st, I planted a bunch of seeds! Radishes, mescluns, lettuce, spinach and carrots! I picked up some Jiffy strips and Dutch Treat starter mix from work. These photos are from today! The mescluns and radish are growing like weeds! I love it. What else do I love? The packaging for West Coast Seeds. Compared to the other seed packets at the garden center, these ones are very pleasing to the eye, not to mention functional! Not like the stark whites and neon yellows of other brands.


Almost Catfish babies.

On March 8th, I woke up to the most curious thing. Catfish eggs! Of course it took me an entire day to figure this out, as I was severely confused as to what happened. None of my fish are of the same species, but as I soon found out, some kinds of catfish can breed with other kinds of catfish!

I had been noticing this fellow, Leonard, getting a little more corpulent than usual. Leonard is also the dominating mass in the tank, a peppered corydoras catfish. So I determined that he (now a she) was responsible!!

This here is Samson, a panda corydoras catfish. I guess he's the father!!



Oh how I love it! Even if it is limited to windowsills and bookshelves, it is definitely one of my favorite hobbies I've picked up since being in Vancouver.

Microtomatoes! Someday.

A quartet of Strawberries! These ones grow in a bush rather than on runners. I hope these bear fruit! I would love to have granola with home grown strawberries this summer!

Back to school.

Ah, so it's back to school after two weeks of Olympic break. It's lame, and it's a lot of work, but perhaps it'll get me somewhere someday.

I've been doing a little bit of planting, just some transplants out of the windowsill greenhouses, nothing special. Once I get my next paycheque I hope to buy a couple new kinds of plants I can start to grow.

I was going to head to the Van Aquarium today with my Bolex and my two rolls of 16mm, but last night I got cold feet. I am just so nervous about shooting with it! There's so much that can go wrong with film. So I did a bunch of reading up on it last night and hope to do a lot more reading in the near future.

The stripey clouds that graced the sky a few days ago. Sometimes I just get some amazing views from this window of mine.

Jiffy windowsill greenhouses!! Oh how I love them.

This poor plant was stuck in the plastic pot it came in for something like 5 months. I have transplanted it into a pasta sauce jar!! It is loving life now, and I am glad.

New dual screen set up! It makes me very happy, especially when I'm cutting video!

Anyways, I just took a BUNCH of pictures of my new hallway plant set up, perhaps I shall post them!


A T-shirt War.

 Hi all, I've sort of decided to compound my numerous blogs into this blog. So I will be posting occasional internet-licious finds, book reviews, movie reviews and musings along with my usual felties and gardening. S'Awesome.

Here is A T-Shirt War!!

The T-Shirt War from Ibrahim Nergiz on Vimeo.

Found via Yay!Everyday.

Also, Happy March! Time for some madness. Or not.