
Odd & Ends

I've had some spare time lately because it's been extra slow at work, so I've made a set of new felties, but I shall post those later! Here are some miscellaneous happenings.

Here is my gorgeous Weston Cinemeter. I don't know how to use it yet, but it's definitely on my list of things to conquer this summer! Sometimes I feel horrible that I have all this equipment, but not the wherewithal to use it. In time, I suppose.

Here's most likely the last three sisters feltie I will ever construct. It was a fun idea while it lasted, but I love making new things too much! This one here was specially ordered, so I made an exception. Hopefully the buyer loves their mountainous feltie!

A shrimp update perhaps? Yes! Here's Jacques, the wonder shrimp! He's doing quite well. I often see him stuffing bits of things into his mouth with his weird spindly arms. He molted about a month ago. The size difference is astounding! He's really been pigging out! Nom nom nom!

Dear Cinzeo: one thing I have learned in this life so far is that indulgence just gets you diabetes and larger pants. But good god, they were delicious.

Some gorgeous mescluns that should be ready for a little harvest soon!!

I love how the rain puddles on pea plants. Wee dew globes!

First flower on the pea plants in the hanging basket! There are a couple more now. I just wish the sun would come out so the bees could come around and wiggle their bums around in some pollen!

THE TOMATO. My singular tomato, after months of toiling. I'm convinced it's going to be the most delicious tomato ever.

I've planted a wonderful square planter box with a wide variety of flowers. Most have started to sprout! As they get larger, I'm sure I'll have to weed some of the weaker sprouts out, but here's hoping it'll become a full and luscious planter box soon!

Hello Mr. Brandywine Tomato! How grand you are!

So I have begun to pack. My move date has been moved back a few days, unfortunately. But it is still happening! Here is a shoebox I filled with knickknacks. I filled like... three boxes with just knickknacks. My room looks so much more chic and sophisticated without slinkies and pokemon and pez dispensers lining every ledge. I like it. But I love my knickknacks. Sooo knickknacks win.

Here is a panorama (poorly stitched together, I apologize, I'm a n00b) of my living space as it was before I started packing. I plan to take another one of these post-evacuation and then pre-move into my new place, and post-move of course! I love seeing how my living space evolves. Mmmmm.

Anyways, stay tuned for a post probably about some favorite things, THEN meet Little Buckaroo and Big Buckaroo! They're pretty awesome, the two of them.

Here's hoping the rain stops. For once. I'm tired of getting to work soggy.

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