
Plaaaants + Butt Dance.

So yes, I have become a plant freak. Here are some photos I took late January of my (comparably small to now) plant collection!!
Dwarf Sunflowers!! They are amazing. They also grow like weeds. Which is also amazing.

My windowsill set up of Mason jars! Also: the gorgeous view of the house across from us. Not.

The gorgeous view I often get from my bedroom window!

The curly sprouts of Fernleaf Dill!


Another sunflower! This one's still alive (the other two didn't last!) and it's about a foot and a half tall!!

Basil! I have two lovely little basil plants going right now. Can't wait for the harvest!

Brandywine tomatoes!!

More Brandytoms!

Various plants I put downstairs infront of the patio window. Unfortunately, no plant seemed to like it much down there. It was probably too cold!

The resident dog. He has earned many names with me, some of which indlude: Gaston, Odorf and Urine McPeepants.

Another shot of the Brandywine Toms, they are really gorgeous plants.

I LOVE these Jiffy windowsill greenhouses. They come with these little peat pellets that you put in water so they expand, and they fit neatly in rows of six! Its a great way to start seeds...

... So I went and bought another, hahaha!

So yes, these pictures are basically a summation of what I did in January. This is equal to not much, but I really do love planting plants. I have LOTS more now and am learning new things all the time! I've landed a job in a little garden center in town and I hope to continue to learn lots of things there!

In other news: Congrats Canada! The most gold medals is AMAZING! The athletes were great and exceeded all expectation!

In other OTHER news: My friend Rie sent me this video. It needs to be shared with the universe. I don't LOL and much, but I LOL'd at this:

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