
Radishes, greens, tomatoes and shrimp!

Shrimp you say? Oh yes. Meet Jacques. He is a Japonica Shrimp and his soul purpose in life is to pick things off aquarium glass and eat them. Perfecto! These are amazing little creatures to watch, and I was really happy when I found out freshwater cleaning shrimp existed. They have so many tiny legs! With two tiny arms, with two wee claws, he picks things daintily off the glass and stuffs them into his mouth. I would have liked to get another, but it was recommended at one per ten gallons, so that's what I've got! It's really hard to find him when he doesn't want to be found. I've been terrified of the other fish trying to eat him. But it  hasn't happened yet, so here's hoping!!

On the 21st, I planted a bunch of seeds! Radishes, mescluns, lettuce, spinach and carrots! I picked up some Jiffy strips and Dutch Treat starter mix from work. These photos are from today! The mescluns and radish are growing like weeds! I love it. What else do I love? The packaging for West Coast Seeds. Compared to the other seed packets at the garden center, these ones are very pleasing to the eye, not to mention functional! Not like the stark whites and neon yellows of other brands.

Tomatoes? Amazing. I might try and pick up a large rectangular planter at some point and rig up something fancy for these brandywine tomatoes. The fruits can grow up to a pound and a half each, so I hope I can arrange something that will work well!!

And here's a lupin! I've got two lupins on the go right now, one in the window pictured here and another in the hallway. This one is doing the best! I planted it probably a month or so ago.

I did some renovations in my toad tank. I added two new plants, a pothos and a miscellaneous 2" tropical. The pothos is the big one on the right. I pulled up the fern and just popped this one right in! It's taken quite well to the surroundings. I've had plants like this in previous terrariums and they just work great, filling out space and giving lots of shaded areas and perches for the animals. The second plant is in between the two plants on the right, so it's hard to see. I just wanted more filler on that side of the tank, creating a much denser and shady area. When renovating, I found that my toads had actually dug way under the corner with the ivy on the left, almost four inches! So to compliment this, and ensure the stability of that whole area, I cut a plastic flower pot in half and made a little cave. I think they really like it so far. I also put a smaller pot closer to the front that they can curl up in. Overall I think everyone is quite happy!
Biggs getting ready to pounce!
Harvey with his little red fingers. I am perpetually picking perlite (good alliteration high five) out of the water. It's always in the soil of the tropical plants and whenever I add or remove water, it just stirs up more! It's endlessly frustrating and I spend good time taking it out every week.
Green Spots being a little chubby.
Here's Luke! The water looks orangy-brown just because of the soil I use. It looks a lot dirtier than it is. The tank gets weekly water changes.

That's all for now folks, happy sunshine and happy spring!

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